This is personal for me. I’m 54 years old, married for 31 years, the mother of 3 teenagers and I’ve been in menopause for 5 years. And I proudly embrace where I am, and where I’m going.
Growing up in the South, I never heard my mother or other women of her generation say anything about menopause. I can’t help but wonder how they were dealing with their menopause symptoms. The treatment options were not anywhere near what we have now (although, truthfully, they are still considerably lacking).
Looking back, I realize they were all “dealing with it” privately and quietly…like good Southern women.
As I approached this age, I decided that if I was suffering, it wouldn’t be in silence.
A while back, a friend remarked, “Well, I’m over 50 now, so it’s all downhill from here.” What the heck?!! NO, I just won’t accept that. Women are living 20-25 years longer today than we did 100 years ago. That means many of us will live over one-third of our lives in menopause. We deserve to live those years feeling as good as possible in our bodies.
Keeping quiet, whether it comes from cultural taboos, or fear, or lack of knowledge, is not the answer.
I’ve been thinking about that a lot these days, and also how lucky I’ve been in my own journey.
I’ve been fortunate to follow and learn from women who are working within the healthcare industry to bring science-based education to women at midlife and beyond. And I’ve learned so much from them.
They helped me understand the connection between estrogen and how its decline can impact many aspects of my physical health, and even my mental health. Once I truly understood, it was like flipping on the light switch in a dark room. Wow, I can see, and it all makes complete sense. It helped me be more proactive with my own healthcare. And it inspired me to be resolute in furthering this mission of elevating the care of women at midlife and beyond.
And just as importantly, it made me determined that Solv Wellness would be a light for women on the menopause journey, to bring clarity and confidence to me, my friends, my daughters, and you.
Now’s the time. And I’m ready.