finding something I didn’t know I’d lost

As someone who works in the pelvic health space, you’d think I would have noticed the gradual changes in my own body. But I didn’t—at least not until, quite unexpectedly, I rediscovered something I hadn’t even realized I had lost: moisture. Vaginal moisture, to be specific.

As a 55-year-old who had my last period at 49, I’m firmly in menopause (more than 12 months since my last period). While my menopausal symptoms weren’t severe, I had my share of “warm” flashes and “menofog.” What I had (falsely) prided myself on, however, was not experiencing vaginal dryness symptoms. Sex wasn’t uncomfortable, and I had avoided infections, pain, and other symptoms commonly referred to as the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM). While I was proud of Via, our non-hormonal vaginal moisturizer—powered by hyaluronic acid—to provide supplemental moisture to the vagina and vulva (external genital area), I didn’t think I personally needed it…at least not yet.

That changed in the spring of 2023, when I consulted with my physician—a leading menopause specialist—and underwent a thorough risk assessment for breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. We determined that the benefits of Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT) far outweighed the risks. I started MHT, which consists of an estradiol patch, vaginal estrogen, and a progesterone capsule, plus Via. Within a few weeks, I noticed something unexpected—more moisture “down there.” At first, I thought, “Hmmm… is this normal?” Then I remembered: I once had this level of moisture, a lot of it, when I was younger. It was, in fact, completely normal. My next thought was, “Wow, the loss of my vaginal moisture had happened so gradually that I hadn’t even noticed it slipping away.” And then, “Thank goodness I started hormone therapy—how long would it have been before I experienced the chronic side effects of vaginal dryness, like infections, vaginal irritation, or pain?”

“Menopausal skincare isn’t just about our faces—it’s about caring for our whole body.”

Through our work with physician researchers, I’ve learned that vaginal dryness isn’t just a menopause symptom. It can also result from hormonal changes during childbirth, breastfeeding, the end of the menstrual cycle (now the dryness when inserting a tampon makes sense!), and even the use of birth control pills. I wish I had known this earlier—I spent years thinking something was wrong with me!

And vaginal dryness isn’t the only change in our bodies that can occur slowly and go unnoticed as our estrogen levels and other hormones decline through menopause, ultimately leading to chronic and sometimes irreversible and serious conditions. Think bone, joint, brain, cardiovascular health. It’s all connected.

Consulting with a Menopause Specialist

If you’re considering MHT, it’s essential to talk to a healthcare provider certified in menopause medicine who can connect the dots of your menopause symptoms. Not all providers, even menopausal women, are current with the latest science.

Maintaining Vaginal Health

For vaginal health, whether or not you choose vaginal estrogen, vaginal moisturizers like Via can be an excellent part of your daily care routine, helping to replenish your body’s natural moisture. Because menopausal skincare isn’t just about our faces—it’s about caring for our whole body.

The Importance of Awareness

Rediscovering that vaginal moisture has been a gift—one that’s reminded me how important it is to pay attention to subtle changes within ourselves. I’m beyond grateful for this personal discovery and will be vigilant with my use of vaginal estrogen and Via to ensure I keep my renewed moisture. I hope sharing my experience might help other women be more in tune with their bodies and reconnect with a part of themselves they may not even realize they’ve lost.

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